Sunday, April 17, 2011

I Have Been Warned by Men with Credentials

The Old Baguettes and Crusty Rolls in my building stage an annual rummage sale each fall to raise $$$ for our Residents' Association. It's a recycling extravaganza. We sell stuff we don't need to get space for stuff we do need. Actually, we don't need any more stuff. We want stuff. Because we're creaky and cranky, we need, want, and get the help of our children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and friends. We advertise in both our city and local newspapers, on store bulletin boards, and put signs up in front of the building. People from the outside come and buy. We insiders emerge from our apartments, take an elevator downstairs to the dining room, and buy. Both outsiders and insiders eat. Make no mistake. While our rummage sale is as wild as a madhouse, it's also a big deal. We acquire what we desire and then some. Two years ago I bought a brand new, gorgeous duffel bag for $1.00. I really did need something to hold the paraphernalia I take back and forth to the YWCA when I go swimming. The purchase was a good one. I've used that duffel bag at least 3 times a week ever since. However, AFTER collecting my $1.00, the Baguette Sales Clerk said, "I know there''s stuff inside. Keep it." Indeed there was stuff inside: a large tote bag, two extra large thermal bags, one medium sized thermal bag, and two medium sized tote bags. The thermal bags have zippered closures. The medium sized totes are a pretty blue with black trim. They're made of a strong cotton material, and their medium long handles make perfect purses of them. They are odd purses, though, because each has a bright, white decoration on one side: "JACKPOT JUNCTION! CASINO HOTEL --MORTON, MN 1-800-WIN-CASH" I take all these bags with me when I go grocery shopping, and I use one or two of the Jackpot Junction! totes as purses whenever I need a purse. If invited to the wedding of the Prince and Kate, would I use one or two as a purse? I would, no matter what the color or design of my gown. Lady BaBa. Now, as I age, one of my hobbies is making and keeping appointments with doctors. My session with a new neurologist had gone well, but no results were in from tests I'd taken. He looked over my medications -- a lengthy list, but what could he say about them? My test results weren't in. We chatted. As I was leaving, he saw my 'JACKPOT JUNCTION!" purse. I was about to walk out of the waiting room when he shot out of his office into the waiting room where many waited. "This drug. Drug X. It's a wonderful drug, but it has serious side effects. It causes gambling and shopping." How wonderful, I thought. Yet another doctor with a sense of humor. Perhaps there's a drug that makes people return things? I dined out on the side effects of Drug X. And then I had an appointment with my primary physician. He did not laugh. "Dr. Y was warning you.," he said. "Drug X does cause gambling and shopping. If you have urges to gamble or shop, let me know. We'll adjust your meds." Yesterday, I bought a digital camera. Do you think I should have my meds adjusted?


  1. My computer still malfunctions. I can't seem to create paragraphs.

  2. Get rid of the damned computer and get a new one!

    Somewhere else I read of a drug that causes gambling and shopping. Good to see you back, but I know it won't last. What pain in the ass you and your computer are. In the mean time I enjoyed your post.

    I lost my steady reader from the maritime provinces of Canada. I think it is because you never come over and comment any more. See the problems your damned computer causes.

  3. BTW you owe me a comment. I wrote this huge commentary post (too big for a regular comment) and you were to rip apart my faulty logic. You gave a quick reply and never came back...shame on you and your POS computer.

  4. I see you tried and lost your comment over on my blog. I wrote this for you over there, maybe it will help you from losing comments:

    I think I know what is happening to your comments, because it happens to me now and again also. Make sure you are signed in before you comment. When you open the comment form you should see Old Baguette or NanookMn (who ever you are trying to be) in the COMMENT AS box below the comment box. If you don't see your name there, click on the Sign In at the upper right hand side of the screen go through the Sign In process, and then try your comment. To be on the safe side, I always copy my comment (highlight it and hit CTRL C or the right mouse button & then copy) prior to hitting the Post Comment button. If you lose your comment, make sure you are signed in and just click back into the comment box and paste your comment (CTRL V or the right mouse button Paste). There is something goofy about Blogger's comment process. I have lost them too. I'll post this over on your Blog also.

  5. BTW, I forgot, some one is reading Cutting The Stone over at the Kindle Book Club. The participation has hit an all time low. I have to threaten them with beatings just to get 10 lousy suggestions out of them. I don't know what has happened there, but the participation has really dropped off. Myself, my head is still in a tizzy over retiring and I can't seem to sit down and read a book anymore. So I kind of have restricted myself to the 32 billion books I already own and have not read yet. If a title comes up that I am interested in I'll read it, but I don't read them any longer because I feel a moral obligation being poobah. The moral obligation stops at getting the suggestions and doing the vote. I bought too many title and read 50 pages or slogged through a book I really didn't want to read. When this retirement thing came up, I couldn't seem to concentrate on reading anymore.

    BTW this is my next to the last Monday. I am still weirdly gloomy about it all though. I am one of those asses that if I won the lottery I would bitch about the denomination of the bills.

  6. Thanks for the tutorial! Will it work? I hope so. Moi
