Monday, April 18, 2011

Worth More Than a Comment on a Comment

Sextant is about to retire, and he says he finds the prospect scary. Scary? He is successfully navigating the finite as I write. (I'm also eating potato chips. A quick glance at my feet indicates I'm building an inedible mound of them there as well.) Sextant has soooo many readers. After retirement, he will have even mooooore. What more could a blog writer want? In a recent comment, he said he was the kind of ass who'd complain about the denomination of the bills if he won the lottery. Please, Sextant, refrain! Should you win a lottery, do not complain. Complaining about lottery wins is unattractive. Years ago in a Chicago restaurant when denominations meant something, I was seated next to man who had actually won $350,000 in a lottery. I was looking forward to finding out what it was like to win $350,000. In his pre-lottery existence, he'd been one of those men who dressed up in a uniform decorated with gold braid, wore a jaunty cap decorated with gold braid, and kept his hands clean with white kid gloves that were decorated, of course, with gold braid. His job? He directed the elevator traffic in a large office building. When he won the lottery, he didn't retire. He quit. Every night he went out for dinner. And every night he complained to the person sitting next to him about how high his taxes were. In his pre-lottery existence, he'd been one of those men who never earned enough to pay taxes. Sextant, his complaints were not attractive. He was a creep. Should you win a lottery --- or a raffle --- just say thank you. Take your wife on a cruise. Bring along your best camera, a decent book, and remember that complaining about denominations is an abomination. Refrain!


  1. The last time I checked, you had to play the lottery to win it. I remain a virgin in that activity. Yes, I have never bought a lottery ticket. So that is one area where I will probably never have any complaints. I use it as a metaphor, but remain safe from ever winning. Actually, I like to think that I win at least $365 a year from the lottery. But your point is well taken, "quit bitching Sextant, it is getting creepy".

  2. LOL! Aren't you thrilled to have me back amongst those with a computer that sorta works? I'm having an exciting night tonight. A friend keeps getting rejected whenever she tries to donate blood. Her hemoglobin is too low. Years ago in San Francisco, I learned from a roommate how to cook liver well enough so that even a child will eat it. I am going to cook liver. Now, are you ready for this? According to the blood bank, the very, very best liver supplement is Flintstone Chewables. Does that fact not boggle your mind?

  3. Old Baguette it is always a joy having you about. Very worrisome however when you go on your sabbaticals. Flintstones! Amazing who would of thunk.

    So your friend in going to eat liver to get her hemoglobin up?
