Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring Has Arrived!

Blades of green grass are sprouting next to melting snow. Some snow is white; some isn't. The mounds created by snowplows over the past few months are melting quickly. Somewhere in Minnesota there will be floods. Happens every year. The Zumbro down by Rochester always floods, or so they say. Sometime, probably in April this year, there will be a moment of magic.
The sun will be brighter than it had been a moment before. As if they've received an engraved invitation to celebrate the coming of Spring, Minnesotans will leave the homes where they've been holed up for the winter and flock to their parks, their lakes, their paths. The down coats and jackets will be off. Shorts and tees, even bathing suits, will be on. This happens even if the temperature never gets above 65. They'll bring out their boats, their bicycles, their roller blades, their skateboards, their dogs. Minnesotans who have fled the harsh winter weather to the warmer climes of states like Arizona or Florida will feel the vibes from this moment. They'll begin packing for the long trek home. This moment comes every year with liturgical regularity.
Each year I look forward to watching the astounding floods of water and people as they take possession of the land.

The Old Baguette's father wrote one poem in his lifetime. Well, it's not exactly a poem. It's a couplet. The Old Baguette loves it and recites it as part of her liturgical welcoming of Spring. If you don't like it, the Old Baguette will understand.


Spring, Spring, Spring is here.
The air is full of atmosphere.


(The Old Baguette always adds the "Amen" because her recitation of the couplet is liturgical. e e cummings was never able to pen such a perfect couplet. Too many capital letters.)

1 comment:

  1. Where in the hell have you been? I miss you. You have to check out this new blog:

    There is a cool photo of the author watering plants in his flooded greenhouse.

    And while you are at it I wouldn't mind seeing you stop in again at mine:

    Old Baguette you are a mystery. Come and go like the phases of the moon.
