Phase one of my friend's life as a priest will end Sunday, this very Sunday, when she will actually be ordained. Prep time is about over. All those years and years
of prep style study are over. Years and years of priest style study are about to begin. (She knows a little but not enough.) Years and years of prep style analysis are over. (The Episcopalians now know she's sound of mind. We, her friends, could have told them that. "Hey, save yourselves time, trouble. She's not crazy now and never has been.") Years and years of prep style direction are over. (She really does know where she's going and how to get there.) Over the years, her first reaction to becoming a priest, an astounded "Who, me?" has become a solid "Yes!" We, her friends, have watched that happen. And all will be well. There's been a sign. Her car has survived the treks between Ely and Duluth.
Phase one of my life as an observer of her prep time will end Sunday. I shall have an active role in her ordination as a "presenter." What do you suppose that means? What do presenters do? I'll find out Saturday because there will be a rehearsal.
Why, I feel just like a bridesmaid!
Let us know what a presenter does. Also are there any problems with having Catholic presenters at an Episcopalian ordination?
ReplyDeleteNot long ago you would have been burnt at the stake for this. Of course who would set the stake on fire could be questioned. Probably who ever got their hands on you first. The Catholics would want to burn you for attending a Protestant ordination. The Anglicans would want to burn the papist! See how far we have come. But wait in Minnesota you ought to have plenty of Lutherans to heap on some tinder as well.
Any how this really sounds cool and it appears as though you really adore your friend. I hope all goes well and the day provides a good spiritual kick in the tush for all!