Sunday, October 24, 2010

What next?

The Old Baguette has not found the courage to play the DVD from the Archbishop. It is in a safe spot, so she will be able to find it, play it, and report on its contents. She cannot remember where the safe spot is because she doesn't really want to watch it.

The Archbishop has sent out a second communique, an expensively printed plan for the future. The whole Archdiocese is being reorganized. Some parishes are going to be eliminated, wiped off the map. Others are going to experience a new togetherness by being joined. Each will keep its name, but one will be the important parish while the other will just have to rejoice it wasn't eliminated. A few parishes will remain intact, at least for the moment. Why, we are all asking, is this reorganizing taking place? Is the Archdiocese running out of money? Could be. It sure is spending big bucks on printing, producing, and postage. Perhaps it's running out of priests. Could be. Men and women who'd like to be celebrating Mass and running parishes are instead cluttering up the pews of practically every church in the Archdiocese.

The Old Baguette has filed the plan away in a safe spot for future reading. She cannot remember where the safe spot is because she doesn't really want to read it in depth. Skimming was painful enough.

Just what will come next?

1 comment:

  1. You should watch the video, I watched it on a link from one of the TV stations. I included the link in one of my comments. The first part is a video employing beautiful images of a lovely young couple getting married and the constant repetition of the phrase "a marriage is between one man and one woman" perhaps to instill it to memory...on the order of 9 X 7 = 63. Occasionally the video flips to a gay marriage ceremony in less than complimentary shots then quickly returns to the beautiful imagery of our lovely young couple who have the proper God ordained equipment, you know, the type that can be plugged together, and when used with the proper Church approved family planning method will guarantee a burgeoning crop of future communicants.

    The latter part of the video is an address from I assume the archbishop. There is a lot of emphasis on how church organizations will lose funding because they don't recognize gay marriage. Ever notice how things always seem to get down to the basics...the all mighty dollar.

    Which I suppose leads into the second issue of the Archdioceses Inc. re-organizing to the latest theories from Harvard Business School. Right now Old Baguette, gay marriage is critical path...once that is under control, we can work on increasing profit margins of the local re-organized parishes with an emphasis on services based on billings.

    The destruction of a parish by bean counters is truly despicable. For many people, the local church is rock that had anchored them through the rough times. To have the Church that one celebrated the good events and weathered the bad events just fold up is truly a shame.
