Saturday, December 11, 2010

How to Deal with Ghosts

The Old Baguette lives in senior housing. When she was a petite pain, she thought senior housing meant nursing home. Senior housing does not mean nursing home. We residents of senior housing are old and creaky, true, but we can still function. Most of the time, we know who we are and where we are. We don't need the care of an assisted living facility or the more intensive care of a nursing home ... yet. The Old Baguettes and Crusty Rolls who are my neighbors are a diverse, interesting bunch. Whenever two or three of us are gathered together, whether we are drinking coffee or waiting for the elevator, rides, or the mail, we talk. Our topics of conversation are not restricted to aches and pains, the weather, and grandchildren. No indeed. Just the other day, one of my neighbors and I got into a deep discussion about ghosts while waiting for the mail.

She believed in ghosts. Did I? I wasn't really sure. Maybe they existed; maybe they didn't. Well, she was sure I'd be a believer if I'd lived in the building she used to live in. Three people in that building got regular visits from ghosts.. The hostesses of the ghosts recognized them from family photos. All had been relatives. One, an uncle, hadn't made it home from WWI. Another, a cousin, had been a flapper. She'd been murdered by her mobster boyfriend. All the ghosts had died suddenly, unexpectedly, and violently. Their visits were scary. She herself had a few relatives who had died suddenly, unexpectedly, and violently. She didn't want any visits from them, so she sent thought messages to the nether world: "Don't come. Just send a note."

The post person came. He brought junk mail and bills. Did he bring any notes?


  1. As a young person who believes in Ghosts or Spirits, I have decided and from my experience all they desire and require is love and attention as we do. If you do not receive a message, I recommend you send them one. They are always happy to receive love and compassion. Nagging and haunting, I think when they get bored of us complaining or misusing this life or abusing this life and others....They haunt us. Love the Ghosts in your LIFE and don't wait for the note.

  2. I used to believe in Ghosts. Now I believe in everything except ghosts. They won't haunt you if you don't pay them no mind... They are a fickle sort of energy, and they tend to root around a bit when you are young and feckless, just to scare you. If you were visited by a ghost, you should immediately ask yourself: What did you do to deserve it ? Did you remember to buy the carbon dioxide detector ?

  3. For the most part, I don't dwell much on ghosts. I think they are possible and some of the stories probably have some shard of truth to them but I would rather imagine that most episodes of ghostly behavior would be the result of overactive imaginations. There is an interesting book I read a while back on ghosts, "Spook" by Mary Roach. MS Roach is a very entertaining albeit odd ball writer and has written several other books on more down to earth subjects, "Stiff" an inquiry into the scientific uses of cadavers, and "Bonk", indeed about bonking and some unusual scientific studies on it. Roach's books are both informative and entertaining, and rather odd. In Spook she debunks many ghost stories but not all of them.

    Here is a link to Spook at Amazon:
