Thursday, March 3, 2011

My Computer Again Has Been Naughty

Trying to get a letter or two down on what used to be paper but is now an electronic mystery has been so challenging that I have failed in my efforts. I browsed the other day about a store that sells computers, now that I know mine is about to become a donation. I did not like the laptops, the notebooks were worse, and the price tags were worse than the notebooks.. What will become of my addiction? Now it is late. I am tired. Tomorrow will be another day. I don't have the time or energy right now to make a fashion statement from my drapes/curtains, so I shall bid you all adieu.. ("All" is a euphemism for "few.") I'm now back where I started. I've so few readers I can write whatever I feel like writing. Such freedom!

1 comment:

  1. I think there has been a sighting! Rarer than passenger pigeon, yes it appears that the mercurial Old Baguette may have returned from Oz! Welcome back although it sounds as though, this visit to the planet will be fleeting. Your computer is worse than my DSL service.

    Regarding readership, I can't vouch for others but I check your blog usually twice a day. It is frustrating when you want a piece of wisdom from the Old Baguette, and she is off to Oz for almost a month--not to mention that some of us do worry about you. Well at least you have a few readers, when you go AWOL I have only one reader, although I get 60 to 100 hits a day from image searches. Their visit length is generally less than 20 seconds. Readers for me are rarer than diamonds and far more valuable.

    I am not sure what it takes to write a successful blog, but whatever it is, I obviously don't have it. I can't even pull readers in with sex! Well I suppose that arguments in favor of life long loving monogamy have as much sex appeal as I do.

    Welcome back, I would love to read a fashion statement or whatever else you may have, but alas I fear that we will hear from you again well after the equinox.
