Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A Possible Explanation

The Archbishop of St. Paul and Minneapolis owns Harry Potter books. These books feature two abominations, wizardry and magic, and should probably be banned. Ordinary people tend to think of wizardry and magic as games, but they aren't games. According to the Abomination School of Thought, they are flirtations with danger, with eternal damnation. Readers of Harry Potter, and that includes the Archbishop, might be lured into using magic, flirting with danger, on a regular basis. They might even start using Ouija boards. According to the Abomination School of Thought, Ouija boards are controlled by evil spirits, and the answers they provide will be evil. Do you suppose the Archbishop, a Harry Potter reader, has a Ouija board stashed away? Do you suppose he consults it before making decisions that will affect his flock? Do you suppose he hauled it out and asked: Should I produce and send out a DVD on gay marriage and should I refuse communion to gays? Being controlled by evil spirits, the Ouija board said Yes. That must be what happened because only evil spirits could produce the hatred that's being imposed upon us.



  1. So the DVD is about gay marriage? You're kidding! So, we can assume that the Archdiocese Of Minneapolis / St Paul is so well equipped with money that they can afford to send a DVD to the homes each of its parishioners decrying the evils of gay marriage.

    Hunger, homelessness, family crisis, alcoholism, drug abuse, crime, unemployment, and heterosexual divorce do not exist in Minnesota. With those problems solved, the Church can properly take aim at the true problem in society: the ever increasing encroachment of gays in our society. It has to be stopped before we all turn gay!

    It seems to me that we heterosexuals of all religious stripes would be far better off attending to our own marriages rather than worrying about gays destroying the sacred concept of marriage. Didn't someone in the past warn about worrying about the speck in your neighbor's eye when you have a log in your own?

  2. I missed the part about refusing communion to gays. I must tread carefully here for my intention is not to offend.

    As a condemned to Hell Lutheran who refuses to repent for a certain sin, the subject of Communion is one of the great ambiguities in my psyche. On the one hand I see a great gift from God, on the other a meaningless ritual.

    I am not sure if God is amused or pissed off with man's manipulations with that which should be Holy. I imagine a combination of both. Again I have no intention to offend, but let me put it this way. Any human being who thinks that he has the right to deny a fellow human being a gift from God is a fool.

  3. How could you possibly offend, Sextant? You aren't an Archbishop.
